AI News

AI news from the Centre and the wider University.

Centre news 2024/25

15/01/2025 Research Associates or Research Fellows wanted

Applicants are invited for the posts of Research Associate or Research Fellow in Machine Learning to work with AI Researchers in the Centre for AI Fundamentals at The University of Manchester. Two posts are available and applications close on 7 Feb 2025. Please visit the University jobs page for full details.

01/11/2024 AI-Fun welcomes new colleagues

We are pleased to announce a number of arrivals into the AI-Fundamentals team. Isabel Machado joined us as an internal appointment in October as our new Project Officer and has really hit the ground running, with several projects already making excellent progress.

This month we have two further new starters. Haripriya Harikumar: as our new Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Hari will be a key part of Sami Kaski’s Turing AI World-Leading Fellowship and Andi Zhang, who will take up a postdoctoral research position at Manchester working with the AI Hub in Generative Models.

15/10/2024 AI-Fun and ELLIS at NeurIPS 2024

Our Centre for AI Fundamentals and ELLIS Unit will be well-represented at the Neural Information Processing Systems Conference (NeurIPS) 2024, with a number of papers accepted and being presented in Vancouver from 10 to 15 Dec. You can find all the details in the links below. Should be an excellent conference!

Sophia Ananiadou – three papers
Jason Hartford – two papers
Samuel Kaski – four papers
Michele Caprio - poster

For further details on NeurIPS 2024, please visit

 Positions available for Research Associate or Research Fellow in Machine Learning. Please see ⁠full advertisement on our jobs website. Closing date for applications is 15/09/2024.

25/07/2024 Dr Wanrong Wang has joined AI-FUN as a Research Associate working on the ELIAS project with Sustainable Futures.

15/07/2024 Anirbit Mukherjee has been successful in a bid for the Manchester – Heidelberg Research Fund.  Research will focus on optimisation errors in scientific machine learning.

01/07/2024  New paper available: “Improving PINNs By Algebraic Inclusion of Boundary and Initial Conditions”

15/06/2024  AI-FUN welcomes Dr Michele Caprio and Dr Omar Rivasplata to The University of Manchester as Senior Lecturers. Learn more about their research interests on our people page.

07/06/2024 Positions available for Research Associate in Machine Learning at The University of Manchester.  Please see ⁠full advertisement on our jobs website. Closing date for applications is 25/06/2024.

21/05/2024 Congratulations to AI-FUN researchers on recent successes. Manisha Dubey has secured a DAAD AI-Net fellowship. Sabina Sloman's submission has been accepted as an oral presentation at UAI 2024. Jianhong Wang has had an abstract accepted at ICML 2024.

20/04/2024 Centre for AI Fundamentals formally launches at The University of Manchester. Read the full article on our news page.


University AI news